1. No arguments between coaches. Any disputes are to be brought to the attention of the league executive.
2. It is the responsibility of the HOME team coach to call or E-Mail the scores in within 24 hours of the game.
3. There is a maximum of ten players on the field at one time. A minimum of 7 are required to start the game. Should a team not have 7 by the time the umpire starts the game, the team forfeits the game.
4. A win = 2 points, A tie = 1 points, A loss = 0 point, A forfeit = 0 points
5. Both Teams must be ready to start promptly at the scheduled starting times.
6. *No new innings start after 75 mins.
7. A player must be on the approved rooster and play at least ½ of the season’s games to play in the tournament. Special consideration can be considered by league executives.
8. All player additions and registration must be approved by the league executive.
9. The cut off date for age restriction is January 1. A player may move up a level early, if approved by league executive.
10. All players must take the field in at least 2 innings of a game.
11. RAINOUTS: If a game is to be canceled, it is the responsibility of the coach of the home team to notify the visiting coach at least 35 minutes before the game. He/She must also notify the umpires (30 minutes before the game so we will not be charged an Umpiring fee) and the league executive. The rescheduled game communicated to the Umpire and the league executive to verify schedule and permits by the home team coach.
12. 3 complete Innings is considered game.
13. Long pants must be worn in all age groups, except T-BALL.
14. HOME PLATE LINE: The home plate line is parallel to the commitment line and extends from the plate to the screen. To score a run, the runner must cross this line before the fielding team player touches the plate, while in possession of the ball. IF THE RUNNER TOUCHES THE PLATE OR COMES IN CONTACT WITH THE PESON FIELDING THE BALL THE RUNNER IS OUT. The fielder must not tag the runner.
15. COMMTMENT LINE: a commitment line is drawn ½ way between home and 3rd, perpendicular to the 3rd base line. If a player crosses this line after leaving 3rd base, they are committed to run to home plate.
16. FIRST BASE RULE: the runner/batter must run to the outside (orange) part of the bag, unless he/she is rounding 1st to run to 2nd. If the runner/batter touches the inside (white) part of the base during a throw to 1st, the base runner is out. The first baseman must only use the inside (white) part of the base.
17. Blood rule : No player shall continue to play with an open wound or blood flow. Any injury must be covered up to protect the player and others.
1. The pitcher may not leave the mound and return in the same inning
2. The windmill pitch is only allowed if the umpire feels the pitcher can sufficiently control the pitch.
3. A pitcher cannot pitch in two consecutive innings.
4. Pitchers must start with both feet touching the rubber. One step is allowed.
1. Batters must wear a helmet with the chin strap done up.
2. No player other then the batter and the “on deck” batter are to be handling a bat – SAFETY
3. The batters box is on each side of home plate and measures 3 feet by 7 feet. The front of the batters box is 4 feet from the centre of the plate and the back line feet beyond the centre of the plate. Both feet of the batter must be within this box.
Junior - Unique rules
1. *A game consists of 5 full innings. The first four innings have a mercy rule in which a maximum of 5 runs can be scored. The 5th inning is open, if time allows, If not the score will revert back to the end of the 4th inning.
2. All players must take the field in at least 2 innings of a game.
3. Bases are 50 feet apart for 7-10 players.
4. Pitchers mound is 28 feet from the centre of home plate.
6. 3rd strike is an automatic out
7. No infield fly rule
8. No Bunting
9. No leaving the base until the ball is hit by the bat

To Download the Rules for Junior (Click here)